Tuesday 7 June 2011

The upper city of Brussels

Having explored the lower (and more touristy) part of Brussels, we headed up the hill through lovely gardens and got a different view of Brussels, the tower from the Grand Place being very prominent.


We grabbed a Panini, Cherries and fresh juices each for lunch


and then wandered around lots of large majestic buildings.


The sculpture park was a bit manky, particularly the green/yellow water but it was still an interesting stop along the way.


We then came across the Mercedes House where they have a free entry showcase of a few vehicles.


There was lots of intricate detail on the Notre Dame (which apparently took 150 years to complete, or something like that).


We then wandered through another park with several statues, including one of the guy who found a better way to represent the spherical world in 2D.


At the lookout we also came across a lift to the lower city, but continued our exploration in the upper area.


As we wandered we kept coming across this poster that Jane absolutely hated [Jane: It screwed with my mind!]


and eventually arrived at the front of the Palace.


Across the road, we spent some time in the gardens before heading back down to the lower city.


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